Stay awake - Stay alive


Recent work

The road to a million

A man drives his Skoda 1.000.000 KM

In the blink of a night

In the blink of a night : from the national theater to RÚV

Dustin O'Halloran - Spiritus Naturae Aeternus

NOWNESS premieres Dustin O'Hallorans new music video

Big Boy Boots

A music video for a former twitter employee?


A moment of silence for those who have not discovered this absolute belter

Ave maria

Why we brought this piano to a deserted island?


Christmas commercial for Pósturinn

Bríet x Birnir - 1000 words

Audiovisual journey into space

Laufey - Fragile

A star is born: The magical Laufey on location


There's a new neighbourhood in town


Vodafone : A ringtone remix

Moon Pie Vanilla

An awkward situation in Alabama

Thick Skin

#metoo & locker room culture explored

Blue Lagoon x Iceland Airwaves

Unplugged series for the Blue Lagoon & Iceland Airwaves

Unicef - Make Space

Our kids have an important message

Samtök Atvinnulífsins

Business owners in Iceland tell their stories

Felt cute

3 edda awards, for Felt cute!

Scenes from Afar

Scenes from Afar: Live concert in Harpa for Deutche Grammophone


Head-on collision on a remote road in Iceland

Iceland airwaves

8 years of Iceland Airwaves session videos

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Njálsgata 22, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland