Dustin O'Halloran - Spiritus Naturae Aeternus

Dustin O'Halloran - Spiritus Naturae Aeternus


Markus Engelmair

Choreography and Performance

Fukiko Takase

Excecutive Producer

Erlendur Sveinsson


Kári Úlfsson

Costume Designer

Sigrún Jörgensen

1st AC

Hjálmar Þór Hjálmarsson

The music video for Dustin O'Halloran's "Spiritus Naturae Aeternus," featuring the evocative dance and choreography of Fukiko Takase, serves as a poignant allegory for the cycle of life. The long, uninterrupted scenes uphold the dance's integrity and allow the choreography to connect with the haunting melodies, the requiem-like cadence, and the profound themes of O'Halloran's composition. The contrast between Iceland's natural beauty and the desolate urban settings provides a transformative journey from organic to artificial environments. Within a bleak world, Takase's dance becomes an expression of the enduring process of growth, renewal, and eventual decay - Markus Englmair

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Njálsgata 22, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland