Ghetto Film School

Sensor serviced Ghetto Film School and it's 30 students from Los Angeles, New York City & London, filming three short films during their 10 day visit to Iceland in November 2022. Short films that students had written themselves, for Icelandic culture. Sensor helped them produce the films along with hosting them while staying in Iceland.

New York team
New York team
New York team
London team

Sensor serviced Ghetto Film School and it's 30 students from Los Angeles, New York City & London, filming three short films during their 10 day visit to Iceland in November 2022. Short films that students had written themselves, for Icelandic culture. Sensor helped them produce the films along with hosting them while staying in Iceland.

Nýjustu verkefnin

Bríet x Birnir - 1000 words

Stuttmynd með Bríet & Birni

Samtök Atvinnulífsins

Samtök Atvinnulífsins fyrir ATONJL


Hunger Games ábreiða í tónlistarmyndbandi

Scenes from Afar

Tímamótatónleikar Víkings Ólafssonar í Hörpu

Blue Lagoon x Iceland Airwaves

Nýtt verkefni fyrir Bláa lónið og Iceland Airwaves

Dustin O'Halloran - Spiritus Naturae Aeternus

NOWNESS frumsýnir nýjasta tónlistarmyndband Dustin O'Halloran

Iceland airwaves

Airwaves myndbönd fyrir Landsbankann

Unicef - Pláss

Börnin okkar eru með mikilvæg skilaboð

Moon Pie Vanilla

Taugaveiklaður ræningi í Alabama

Thick Skin

Verðlaunastuttmynd um #metoo

Wandering Earth 2

Kínversk stórmynd í tökum á Íslandi

Green by Iceland 

Græn endurnýjanleg orka

Laufey - Fragile

Nýtt tónlistarmyndband með Laufey

Ave maria

Víkingur Ólafsson flytur Ave María á afskekktri eyðieyju


Bílslys á afskekktum vegi í þessari verðlaunastuttmynd


Jólaauglýsing fyrir Póstinn með TVIST


Vodafone : Hringitónn innblástur að auglýsingu


Hafnartorg með Brandenburg: Nýr heimur við höfnina

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Njálsgata 22, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland