Green by Iceland 

Green by Iceland is a cooperation platform on climate issues and green solutions. The role of Green by Iceland is to fight climate change and promote the export of Icelandic green solutions. In addition to specializing in “traditional” uses for geothermal energy such as electricity generation and district heating, Icelanders have also found innovative geothermal applications that suit the circular economy mindset of making the most of our resources. Geothermal direct use applications include carbon capture, synthetic fuel production, luxury bathing spas, specialized food production, cosmetics manufacturing, and supplements.

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Dustin O'Halloran - Spiritus Naturae Aeternus

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Laufey - Fragile

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Kvikmyndaskólanemendur frá Los Angeles, New York & London sameinast á Íslandi


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Njálsgata 22, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland